Fat Freezing (Cryolipolysis)

Cryolipolysis, commonly referred to as fat freezing, is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure that uses low temperature to reduce fat deposits in certain areas of the body. The procedure is designed to reduce localized fat deposits or bulges that do not respond to diet and exercise. Not intended for people with obesity. The technique has been patented under the name CoolSculpting.


What areas of the body are best suited for cryolipolysis?

If you are considering using non-invasive cryolipolysis, also known as Coolscultping, Cryolipo, and Fat Freezing, to remove body fat, you should know that it cannot effectively hit all areas of your body. It has been designed to target certain types of fat and is most effective at freezing body fat in certain areas of the body. Cryolipolysis applicators work best on superficial fats. The fat must be close to the surface to safely freeze and kill the targeted fat cells.

  • Stomach
  • Chin
  • Upper arms
  • Waist & Hips – Love Handles
  • Back Fat
  • Outer & Inner Thighs
  • Lower Bottom

How is cryolipolysis performed?

The size and shape of the fat deposit is assessed and the area to be treated is marked with a pencil. Patients are awake during the procedure.A hand-held device called an applicator is used to freeze the layer of fat cells (adipocytes) under the skin. First, a gel pad is applied to the area to protect the skin. The fat lump is then aspirated or suctioned into the hollow opening of the applicator. You will feel a tugging or pulling sensation when suction is applied. These sensations, the intense cold and other possible sensations—tingling, prickling, pain, cramping—will subside after 5 to 10 minutes as the area numbs during the cooling process. The fat layer is gradually cooled to a target temperature between 30.2 and 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit.Treatment of the area takes up to one hour. After treating the area, the applicator is removed. The area can be massaged for 2 to 3 minutes to help break down the fat cells.

What are the advantages of cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis has many advantages:

No surgical incision is necessary.

It is a low-risk procedure. There is no risk of infection.

The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Patients do not need to be sedated or anesthetized before the procedure.

More than one area of ​​the body can be treated during one session.

Most people can resume their normal daily activities immediately after treatment.

The procedure can be performed on people of all ages.

There is no damage to nerve fibers, blood vessels, muscles or permanent damage to the skin in the treated area.

Fat cells that have been damaged or destroyed are permanently removed from the body.

Patients may experience an increase in self-confidence due to the improvement in their appearance.

How many cryolipolysis treatment sessions are typically needed?

You may only have one problem area that may only require one treatment. You may have more than one problem area that may require treatment, or may need more than one treatment in a particular area to achieve a desired goal. You will work with your doctor to design a plan – and number of treatment sessions – that will best meet your desired goals.

Why Choose British Aesthetic For Fat Freezing treatment In Lahore?


British Aesthetics is one of the best clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. The surgeon, Prof Dr.YawarSajjad, DrMugees Amin, Dr .M.Omer, Dr Younas will give you the most suitable treatment for your fat problem at very affordable prices. We have the best facilities, and surgical treatments..

Book your consultation and get rid of the additional problems in your life.